Holiday journaling for stress-free festivities

Explore unique ways to incorporate journaling into your holiday season, some of which might be entirely new to you!

My top 8 tips for productivity that I tell my clients

Most of us want to change something about our routines, with the goal to stick to the better version. Often, that is not easy. So here are my top “cheats” that I often bring up during my sessions with clients to help them with their personal goals. 1.Trick your brain Something that many are notContinue reading “My top 8 tips for productivity that I tell my clients”

Oh no! Diet culture got my parent!

The other day, a client talked to me about a recent experience with their mother. They told me that while spending time with their mother they felt frustrated. It seemed that their mother’s relationship with food isn’t very healthy and she made judgmental comments about the physical traits of a number of passersby. During theirContinue reading “Oh no! Diet culture got my parent!”

This or that? – The struggle with making decisions

5 Easy strategies that can help you make up your mind. Do you find it hard to be decisive? Whether decisions are small or big, making up your mind can be challenging. The good news: You are definitely not alone with your struggle. Most people face situations in their lives during which they struggle toContinue reading “This or that? – The struggle with making decisions”

10 signs that your therapy sessions are helping you

Therapy can be an incredibly effective way to address mental health issues and improve overall well-being. However, therapy sessions can be costly. Therefore it is important to know whether the sessions are actually having a positive impact on your life.

Toot your own horn!

Why you should talk about your achievements. Communicating your achievements at work can be challenging, especially in cultures that value humility. It is essential to strike a balance between highlighting your accomplishments and not appearing boastful. However, there are psychological benefits to discussing your accomplishments in a balanced way. Effective communication of your successes canContinue reading “Toot your own horn!”

Behaviour change made easy!

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to make changes to your life without effort? Sounds too good to be true? I have good news for you, there is something that can help you not only start changing things, but also stick to them long-term. 

5 evidence-based ways to lower your Mental Load

While it is possible to maintain this state for a short while, the frequent experience of many is that their mental load is nearly constantly at a maximum. Trying to hold on to too many tasks at once is tiring and places the body in an ongoing state of stress. So what can be done to decrease the mental load?

Setting Boundaries with Friends (and others you care about)

“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.”. So how do you do it?

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